Monthly Network Breakfasts
Our Breakfast Meetings are a place to network, connect to the community, and learn new skills over a full breakfast. Entry is $20 and includes continental breakfast with coffee. Networking 8am to 8:30am, Meeting begins am with updates and guest speaker. All participants may bring flyers and information to put on the tables for guests to take with them.
Monthy Mixers
Our Evening Mixers are a great opportunity to network in a more relaxed environment. Cost for the Mixer is $20 and includes food and drink provided by the Host, beer, wine and other are non hosted. Come join us for a fun evening of networking and in a relaxing environment after a long day. Check back monthly for the latest Mixer location.
If you would like to speak at a breakfast meeting, or would like to host a mixer please contact the Chamber at [email protected] and let us know which date would work for you. See you soon.
Breakfast meetings are hosted at American Legion 820 1268 Palm Ave IB, CA 91932
Mixers are in different location
All breakfast/Mixer dates are the fourth Thursday of each month except November and December